Beside good things, modern times gave us a bunch of very negative too. Rise of technology and everyday chase for money left us very baby's space for exercising and proper food intake. Therefore it's not surprising that about thirty per cent of Americans have trouble with obesity. However, there are at least one important factor for gaining weight. Almost 50% of obese people do not get the recommended eight hours sleep a night time. Recent studies seem to have found that there is a link between Sleep Deprivation and so obesity.
Sleep researchers from College of Chicago discovered the link between a lack of sleep and overeating. They found that Sleep Deprivation activates the part of the brain that is concerned in appetite regulation. This particular part of the brain helps produce lovers hormones ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is an appetite stimulating hormone which force one's body to require food, while Leptin originates from the fat cells and tells the mind the current energy balance in the body. When leptin levels are high this indicates us we are bloated Sleep Deprivation produce hormonal imbalance with high ghrelin and low leptin steps in our body. By him, it is certain that lack of sleep leads to weight pull in.
Sleep researchers from Stanford University agrees that there is a great hormonal change in the body due to Sleep Deprivation, but for them, more important factor is inactivity. According to them, if the extra hours spent awake were used in a more productive manner for instance, doing exercise, people would not see any distinctive gaining weight. So, although there know changes in hormonal attractiveness, Sleep Deprivation does not necessarily result in weight gain.
And this perfectly make sense for me. We should less rely on fast weight loss treatments and miracle pills and in turn we should correct what we eat, have regular exercise and of course enough of sleep at night. If we all stay with those simple, but yet effective rules In my opinion rising obesity problem will be reduced. After all, it's your life and you should make a decision.
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