Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hypnic Jerks: A Sleep Disorder That Fears Jerking or Spasms During sleep

A insomnia that some people experience periodically during their life, but may never know much about, is some thing doctors call Hypnic Chic or Hypnagogic Jerk. It's where a person drifts off to relax and their body jerks or spasms. Sometimes these hypnic jerks cause them to bolt upright in bed. The cause of doing these jerks is what is referred to as a Myoclonic Twitch and it's really comparable to a hiccup. Hypnic jerking is actually a mild Sleep Disorder for which there is currently no cure. Only about 10% of the individuals 'suffer' from this Sleep Disorder resulting in another 60-70% of adults will experience a minimum of one episode at some point in their life.

This type of Sleep Disorder is commonly believed to be related to Sleep Deprivation, stress or anxiety. Although a variety of doctors have studied hypnic jerking, who knows with any certainty accountable for it.

One accepted belief, however, is that it's just part of the equation of falling asleep. Your body goes through many marks and cycles while falling asleep and during sleep. Brain waves change, your heartbeat slows down, your body's core a fever drops, your muscular system and central nervous system go into 'sleep' place, tissues repair themselves, and chemicals are released in your brain.

There is a sudden feeling of fortune when hypnic jerking occurs to though, and some theories suggest that it can be triggered by mine muscles relaxing. This our subconscious interprets as a message that we're losing fur or drowning. The jerk is your body's attempt to 'catch' you or simply wake you up. Many acne sufferers from hypnic jerks claim to have a feeling of someone or something catching them right might be they jerk.

These hypnic jerks can happen once or twice a night to sufferers - and they might not realize it's happening. It's only when people's partners witness it and let them know that they actually become aware of the problem. Some instances, however, have been reported in which the jerks were very serious. In these cases, the spasms come in 30 second intervals which harm the sleeper and a good partners life. This more serious condition is known as Periodic Limb Movement.

The is no cure for hypnic jerks. Your doctor will tell you for additional rest and exercise, and to eat healthy - a typical routine doctor advice. When you have these spasms, try to prevent foods and stimulants like these caffeine or watching TV before going to bed. Of course, if your experience in hypnic jerks is cruddy, you should talk on the doctor.


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