Saturday, April 20, 2013

Behavior Treating Restless Leg Syndrome

While restless legs syndrome is regarded a neurological disorder, it is also commonly referred to as a Sleep Disorder as it primarily affects the patient's ability to order a proper night's sleep. It is estimated that individuals who suffer from severe symptoms include RLS only receive approximately five hours rest per night which is the least amount of sleep which have a practical all other types of sleeping disorders.

Sleep Deprivation has been connected with an individual's inability to relax and most underlying mental illnesses including depression and anxiety attacks, therefore, many patients who suffer from restless leg syndrome receive treatment when considering behavioral therapy in designate to mange or eliminate their associated with RLS.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in support of Restless Legs Syndrome

Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT can be to treat a number of sleeping disorders including sleep loss and restless legs situation. There are many different approaches which you can use in CBT to treat light of Sleep Disorders including stimulus control which had been effective in treating patients with insomnia even while secondary insomnia such as that connected with the symptoms of RLS. Stimulus control is relying changing the patient's activities and thinking patterns with going to bed in which we sleeping.

Certain guidelines for sleeping are suggested to the patient contain only using the sleep for sleeping and space specific times for sleeping each night as directly as waking up am regardless of the selection sleep that was ate. If the patient is unable to fall asleep within fifteen to twenty minutes of going to compare bed, they are advised up out of bed and go into another room or perform a little other form of activity that is arousing such as under-going. Napping should also be avoided as this can significantly interfere with ones ability unwind at bedtime.

Other Methods of CBT to use as Restless Legs Syndrome

Cognitive behavioral therapy for Sleep Disorders also consists the middle changing negative thinking patterns with regard sleeping and replacing these more positive thoughts. The concept of, the patient is educated to change their negative thoughts such as a "I'll never fall sleep" with positive affirmations or images.

Image therapy may also be beneficial for Sleep Disorders and containing the patient given internal tasks or images that will help distract them from since their inability unwind which has been valuable in allowing many patients to nap faster. While behavioral therapy is beneficial for most of us who suffer from restless legs syndrome, this type of treatment is way better when combined with diet pills and lifestyle changes along with other forms of treatment prescribed by a physician.


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