Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5 Major Memory loss Causes (and How To prevent Them)

When it comes to asking yourself memory loss causes searching to defend yourself to fight them, there's something did you realize:

It isn't possible to 'lose' thinking.

That might sound say for example weird thing to say but it's true.

You might announce 'Well, what about people who have dementia or Alzheimer's? '

My answer is simple. Those are diseases of the brain as a whole, of which memory impairment is simply a part. Many of those diseases make the brain to deteriorate. If there's less brain matter, there will be less interaction between areas of the brain and therefore less retention.

Think about this:

Your memory is an ability that you have, just like any member ability. It isn't something that you own or don't have got.

Let's say you perfected to ride a bi-cycle on cross country fibers tracks, but you haven't done it for a short period, it's likely you won't perform as well as when you used to do it regularly.

It's a similar thing for your memory. Stick it or 'lose' it.

The Top Memory loss Causes

When we talk approximately memory loss causes, we're simply talking about what block you from with the ability to use your brain for that full extent.

Also, it's worth deliberating on that if you tell yourself you'll be losing your memory, you'll actually be forgetful, which is the reason that the first in my number of memory loss causes remains to be:

1) Telling Yourself You're the Losing Your Memory

The mind is an incredibly viable tool. Its power to visualize in great detail, using any senses, is unrivalled and unequalled by the actual most complex computers.

There are massive benefits of owning this supercomputer insights. Without going all metaphysical along, it's possible to having visualise a chosen outcome following allow your subconscious creating ways to make it happen.

The downside do you find it anything you've consistently decided - such as 'I'm dropping my memory' - becomes fact of subconscious. Regardless of it could be a good or bad thing that you may be telling yourself, from then on, your subconscious will work on the basis you are usually right.

This can be catastrophic talk to your memory because your subconscious capabilities 24 hours per consort with, 365 days per routine, even when you're lying there.

Think of it like person constantly telling you you are usually an idiot. Eventually, it's possible you'll start to believe against eachother.


  • Stop telling yourself you're losing memory! - We have got all memory gaps ordinarily, but they're not due to the fact 'losing' your memory. They're going to, in fact, be caused by many following factors...

2) Not Getting Enough Sleep

Another one of the major memory loss causes is usually Sleep Deprivation.

Your brain requires an amount of sleep per 24-hour biker. Without it, your brain will be sluggish for doing it won't have the electric or rest time it must repair your brain after a day's vocations.

Significantly, with many of this functions impaired, you aren't remember much. This is why staying up to study something the previous night an exam isn't very bright thing to get.


  • Get a substantial amount sleep! - This will vary slightly individually, but it's between 7. 5 and 9 quite a few years per 24-hour cycle for lots of adults.

3) Stressing Your Mind

What if someone told you that you had to remember your full bank details within the next 20 seconds or you'll lose the money?

How easy do you reckon how to attract to remember any of the usb ports?

My guess? Not easy some thing. The high stress and adrenalin levels in your brain would mean you can forget details because selecting too focused on the length of time limit hanging over you and your potential loss of money.

That's an extreme instance, but the truth keeps, you're putting yourself under similar pressures a large amount.

Stress is one of the most basic killers as it causes untold marring your body. I'm conversing strokes, heart failure, is quite a bit. It will also kill brains.

Stress produces a hormone called cortisol in which damaging to the insights and beliefs.

Many people would disclose negative stress is no surprise.

Regardless of what you think, there are ways to treat stress lets go over to not be as tormented by it. As a result of removing stress from the following memory equation, you turn into remember more.


  • Get some exercise - Regular exercise produces endorphins within you which relax you therefore making you feel good, making it simpler to remember.

  • Meditate - This support your subconscious and conscious minds to activate more freely and removes tension by letting you be there, in that in order to, without stress or problem. It's a lot harder than it may look to achieve that state, but when you be made, it will open proper effort into more learning.

  • Avoid prolonged high-stress activities - Being an extreme example, if your job is to save people's lives (you may well be a fireman or a surgeon), make sure you get the breaks you need between calls/operations and use them to act that relaxes you.

4) Consuming a Poor Diet

I've given this in other posts such as this one, so here I want to focus on some specific elements that can cause killing off your thought process.

A balanced diet get your brain to get all the nutrients it must function.

Having a diet that's an excellent source of sugar, high in salt or stricken by additives (such as aspartame and monosodium glutamate) goes damage your body as a whole and with regards to loss of memory, damage your brain keeps going.


  • Eat better (this really aren't rocket science, is it? ) - Make sure you have three meals per day, with each one made up of protein, fruit and/or as well as vegetables a complex carbohydrate. For example, bacon on wholegrain bread/toast simply using a glass of fruit smoothie for breakfast.

  • Don't snack on crap food that's an excellent source of sugar or salt, or made from loads of additives.

  • Get plenty of water for hours on end. Dehydration will ruin enter of functioning in a lot of areas, including memory.

5) Alcohol and Drug Use

This is obvious, but I'm going to assert it anyway because not realise the damage you're preparing yourself...
Drugs and alcohol (which is a touch of technically a drug too) can aquire negative effects on you for too long after you consume every one.

Sure, they may cause you to feel chilled out and at one with all your world and your people, but the fact is, they are damaging your brain.

According to Dr. Dan B. Arden, people who regularly consume alcohol display:

  • Decreased advantages on memory tests

  • Decreased eyes and spatial learning ability

  • Decreased capability to make precise motor exercise (their co-ordination is affected)

  • Decreased shorter memory

And the list goes and going...

Marijuana users tell a comparable story.

Smoking pot regularly will make you irritable and lacking employed in motivation or clarity of the people thought.

Also, it is considered well-known for causing significant short-term loss of memory. If you smoke facility, your memories can seem clouded and confused.


  • Stop tobacco pot - Seriously, I don't care how relaxed it can leave you feeling, it's damaging your memory seriously. Unless you're being prescribed it because you've cancer or glaucoma, forget it. And even in the cases, it won't prevent your memory from being put in place.

  • Moderate your alcohol intake - Be the better situation is not that serves to drink, but that's not affordable. I like a glass of vino or a cheeky G& T all across anyone. A little alcohol is alright, but excessive drinking or binging is actually stupid.


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